Busy Winter at Percolator Letterpress Co.
February 05, 2016
It has been super busy here in Austin, Texas and life in the shop has been pretty exciting with events and new projects. It seems like I finished writing my last blog post back in October, then looked up and it was February! Here are a couple of highlights from our winter. We attended the Austin Bridal Extravaganza in January and had a great turn out. Lots of people stopped by our booth to get ideas for their invitations and we have already had several bookings from the show. We were really happy with our corner booth setup this year and had a great time visiting with people about letterpress. We had designs up on display and it is always fun to watch people reach out to run their hands over the impressions made on our Heidelberg Windmill Letterpress! The project featured in the photo above is a wedding set with letterpress printing on craft paper. The paper definitely gives the wedding invitations a unique look and the letterpress text in black ink really pops. If you look closely on the invitation, you’ll notice a brown letterpress border to complete the design. That's the quick update for now. We are firing up the press again this afternoon for a cool folded business card project and I can't wait to post a picture because the artwork is priceless! More on that later. Thanks for reading and feel free to give us a shout to talk letterpress, design, or get started on your wedding invitations.